Outward How to Get Your Stuff Back From Fortress

Id say get someone to help you out online.

I would recommend another player to help you out. But not sure if stuff would still be there.

Or get some traps and gear together.

You h ave to ask if you can help in kitchen and hospital then you have access to the room where your stuff is there

Originally posted by ChickenChan:

You h ave to ask if you can help in kitchen and hospital then you have access to the room where your stuff is there

I can't get back inside the fortress though.

I got prisonner again while i was cleaning the place for a quest, and now the guards inside don't propose me to go in the kitchen or pay for my freedom.

Is it a bug ?

Did you find a solution? I have the same problem, my gear is in the fort and the dude is hostile every time he kills me I wake up outside..


12 Jun, 2019 @ 7:51am

I got all my gear from the chest then fell down the hole to freedom... well I lost my bag with everything inside while doing so. I woke up on the beach with nothing. It was winter and I was freezing and dying but I ran to the shipwreck for some reason (on the verge of rage quiting)

Then I passed out from the cold and some Scourge guy saved me and gave me back my bag and everything.. Was very nice of him to have found it.

This is my XP with this quest. If you died, this guy might give your things back when they are lost.

I tried it out, I didn't get rescued instead I woke up in the city, I walked all the way back and this time after the guys inside killed me it spawned me in the prison, but my gear was gone.. I'm done the bug is too great

Originally posted by ShadowOfASun:

I tried it out, I didn't get rescued instead I woke up in the city, I walked all the way back and this time after the guys inside killed me it spawned me in the prison, but my gear was gone.. I'm done the bug is too great

This is what eventually happened to me. I enabled the debug menu and just spawned all my gear back in.


12 Jun, 2019 @ 6:32pm

Add me. I can help you get the stuff back.


13 Jun, 2019 @ 5:52am

Check around the beach near the fort, your backpack should be near a large shell ( ammolite or whatever its called ). Atleast thats where I found mine.

I never had them turn hostile upon my attempt to go back into the fortress but what I found that worked out was I simply got my stuff and killed everything before escaping the fortress and getting myself knocked out, then when a huntress of ciziero rescued me I just went through the supply passage got knocked out by a shrimp and Gep retrieved my backpack for me

I found my stuff in a chest in one of the rooms once but died and then outside the gate once. I dont know if there is a set place for it. When I found them outside, I decided to call it a day and came back later when I had better gear to kill every bastard in there. I really enjoyed that...

Outward How to Get Your Stuff Back From Fortress

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/794260/discussions/0/1768134097438601041/

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